Lap Band Surgery

The Lap Band Surgery or Gastric Ring is placed like a belt
around the upper part of the stomach, preventing it
from eating too much food and helping to lose weight.

Why do they call it Gastric Band or Lap Band?

It is called the Lap Band surgery or Gastric Ring, since it consists of the placement of a ring or band around the upper part of the stomach, in turn a small access door is adapted to the skin, to be able to fill or empty the sac The band with saline solution, this delays the emptying of the food to the stomach and we can get a feeling of satiety for a longer time.

The Gastric Band is performed using a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure, is one of the fastest procedures and 100% reversible if necessary.

I don’t want to cut my stomach…

It is important to mention that since it is a reversible procedure, the eating habits and physical activity of each patient play a very important role in the continuous loss of weight. At the end of the procedure, they are given their food plan, which is designed depending on the needs of each patient.

Not always a permanent surgery is the solution to your obesity problem, we can know if the Lap Band Surgery is the best option for your body. Are you in?